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Thermal insulation of composite floors: Fibrexpan®

Composite floors, also referred to as composite decking, combine concrete and steel.

A composite floor is a horizontal structure consisting of a metal beam topped by a concrete slab, intended for the ground floor or to create a separation between the floors of the building.

Projiso’s Fibrexpan® is a spray-on coating for thermal insulation of surfaces not exposed to the weather. Fibrexpan® is a dry material composed of slag wool, hydraulic and semi-synthetic binders and various additives; It is supplied in flake format. Fibrexpan® is ACERMI -certified with regard to conductivity and thermal resistance values.

Based on its multi-function performance and properties: it is rot-proof, non-combustible and easy to work with. Fibexpan® is a high-performance thermal insulation product designed for use on composite floors.

Fire protection of composite floors: Fibrofeu®/Firespray®/Fireplaster270®

Composite floors can be protected against fire by spraying on fibrous coatings such as Fibrofeu® or Firespray® or a slurry coating such as Firesplaster 270®. These coatings are all manufactured and marketed by Projiso. They all have CE-marking.
They are all rot-proof, non-combustible and easy to work with.

Composite floors, also referred to as composite decking, combine concrete and steel.

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